2001 Maniacs 2 - Es ist angerichtet 2010

Comedy Horror

When this year's round of unsuspecting Northerners fail to show up for their annual Guts N' Glory Jamboree, the residents of Pleasant Valley take their cannibalistic carnival on the road, ...

Tous les titres
  • US: 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams
  • BR: 2001 Maníacos: Campo de Gritos 2001 Maníacos: Campo de Gritos
  • HU: 2001 őrült: A sikolyok mezeje 2001 őrült: A sikolyok mezeje
  • IR: Divanehaye 2001 Divanehaye 2001
  • RO: 2001 maniaci: Câmpul urletelor 2001 maniaci: Câmpul urletelor
  • RU: 2001 маньяк 2: Территория криков 2001 маньяк 2: Территория криков
  • US: 2001 Maniacs: The Sequel 2001 Maniacs: The Sequel
  • US: 2001 Maniacs: The Sequel 2001 Maniacs: The Sequel
  • US: 2001 Maniacs: Beverly Hellbillys 2001 Maniacs: Beverly Hellbillys
  • US: 2001 Maniacs 2 2001 Maniacs 2
Date de sortie 29 Apr 2010
Lien IMDb
